The Provincial Competitiveness Index ( PCI )

The Provincial Competitiveness Index

Provincial Green Index

Tiếng Việt

PCI of provinces

Lam Dong

Region Central Highlands Region

PCI 2022 ranking 17

PCI Data Data and posts


PCI 2022 score


Rankings In The Provincial Competitiveness Index (1-63) Lam Dong

Year 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006
Entry Costs 7.40 7.63 7.64 7.14 6.98 7.51 8.24 8.27 8.45 7.30 6.72 8.37 6.88 7.82 7.79 7.82 7.20
Access to land 7.84 7.28 6.94 7.00 6.82 6.23 5.44 6.18 5.79 6.29 6.14 6.25 4.15 6.49 6.56 5.96 6.97
Transparency 5.80 5.57 5.59 6.82 6.51 6.65 6.80 6.45 6.43 6.12 5.34 5.97 5.02 5.58 5.35 5.17 5.54
Time Costs 6.92 6.55 8.42 7.31 7.55 6.56 6.72 6.59 5.77 5.14 6.30 5.33 5.90 5.97 4.97 5.60 4.83
Informal Charges 7.63 6.77 7.36 7.04 6.13 5.16 5.42 4.93 5.15 6.99 5.72 6.37 6.47 5.31 7.00 6.38 6.56
Policy Bias 5.64 7.19 7.39 6.00 6.68 5.43 5.44 5.35 5.95 6.37 N/A N/A N/A N/A 7.47 6.45 6.37
Proactivity 6.80 6.43 6.14 6.24 5.70 5.67 4.98 4.21 3.96 5.88 3.06 1.39 5.70 3.58 4.63 3.87 3.82
Business Support Policy 5.73 7.34 6.40 6.13 5.85 6.62 5.07 5.53 5.71 4.85 4.40 3.05 4.65 5.26 2.78 4.25 6.39
Labor Policy 5.66 6.53 5.80 6.50 6.37 6.54 5.63 5.96 5.86 5.27 5.01 3.94 4.05 3.85 3.06 4.30 4.19
Law & Order 8.18 7.99 6.43 6.89 6.69 6.03 5.70 5.86 5.32 6.29 3.85 5.95 2.66 5.12 5.00 4.57 3.93
PCI Scores 67.62 67.17 64.43 66.23 63.79 63.50 58.66 59.04 58.79 57.22 52.84 51.75 51.77 52.93 48.10 49.85 52.25
Ranking 17 15 23 22 27 22 27 21 29 36 54 61 57 54 46 52 32

Lưu ý: N/A là tỉnh, thành phố không được xếp hạng. Từ PCI 2023, VCCI không tiến hành công bố điểm số và xếp hạng của nhóm tỉnh, thành phố ngoài nhóm 30 tỉnh, thành phố đứng đầu.

PCI Sub-Index Scores (1-100) - Lam Dong
Year 2021 2022
Entry Costs 7.63 7.40
Access to land 7.28 7.84
Transparency 5.57 5.80
Time Costs 6.55 6.92
Informal Charges 6.77 7.63
Policy Bias 7.19 5.64
Proactivity 6.43 6.80
Business Support Policy 7.34 5.73
Labor Policy 6.53 5.66
Law & Order 7.99 8.18
Comparing Scores - Lam Dong With Other Province In Central Highlands Region
Year 2022 2021
Dak Lak 60.91 64.20
Dak Nong 64.87 61.95
Gia Lai 64.00 64.90
Kon Tum 64.89 58.95
Lam Dong 67.62 67.17
Rankings Over Time - Lam Dong
Year Rankings
2022 17
2021 15
2020 23
2019 22
2018 27
2017 22
2016 27
2015 21
2014 29
2013 36
2012 54
2011 61
2010 57
2009 54
2008 46
2007 52
2006 32
PCI score of Lam Dong
Year PCI Score
2022 67.62
2021 67.17
2020 64.43
2019 66.23
2018 63.79
2017 63.50
2016 58.66
2015 59.04
2014 58.79
2013 57.22
2012 52.84
2011 51.75
2010 51.77
2009 52.93
2008 48.10
2007 49.85
2006 52.25